
Benvenutɜ nella sezione bibliografica del progetto “Digital practices Gender and Intimacy in Teens’ everyday life” (Di.G.I.T). Questa raccolta rappresenta la base teorica e metodologica su cui si fonda la nostra ricerca, esplorando l’interazione tra media digitali, genere e intimità nella vita quotidiana dellɜ adolescenti italianɜ.

Obiettivi della Bibliografia

La nostra bibliografia è stata accuratamente compilata per offrire una panoramica completa delle principali teorie, studi e ricerche che informano il nostro lavoro. Essa copre una vasta gamma di argomenti, tra cui:

  • Media digitali e pratiche giovanili: Come lɜ adolescenti utilizzano le piattaforme digitali per comunicare, socializzare e esplorare la loro identità.
  • Genere e rappresentazioni di genere: Studi sull’influenza dei media digitali nella costruzione e nella percezione delle identità di genere.
  • Intimità e relazioni interpersonali: Analisi delle dinamiche dell’intimità e delle relazioni affettive nel contesto digitale.
  • Metodologie di ricerca partecipativa: Approcci innovativi per coinvolgere direttamente lɜ giovani nella ricerca, promuovendo un ruolo attivo e collaborativo.

Albright J., Carter S. 2019. The myth of the siren’s song: Gendered sexual scripts in online courtship. In: Internet-Infused Romantic Interactions and Dating Practices, Institute of Network Cultures

Belotti F. et. al. 2022. Towards ‘romantic media ideologies’: digital dating abuse seen through the lens of social media and/or dating in teenage narratives. The Communication Review

boyd, d. 2014. It’s Complicated. Yale Univ. Press

Bragg S., Buckingham D. 2009. Too much too young?Young people, sexual media and learning. In: Attwood F. (ed.). Mainstreaming Sex. I.B.Tauris

Caldeira S., et al. 2021. ‘Everybody needs to post a selfie every once in a while’. Information, Communication&Society, 24(8)

Campbell J.E. 2014. Getting It On Online. Routledge

Comunello F., Parisi L., et al. 2021. Negotiating gender scripts in mobile dating app, Information, Communication&Society,24(8)

Cook J., Hasmath R. 2014. The discursive construction and performance of gendered identity on social media. Current Sociology, 62(7)

Couldry N. 2012. Media, Society, World. Polity

Creswell J.W. 2014. A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research. Sage

Das R., Ytre-Arne B. (Eds.). 2018. The Future of Audiences: A Foresight Analysis of Interfaces and Engagement. Springer

De Ridder S. 2017. Social Media and Young People’s Sexualities. Social Media+Society, 3(4)

Elias A.S, Gill R.2018. Beauty surveillance. European Journal of Cultural Studies,21(1)

Farci M, Righetti N. 2019. Italian men’s rights activism and online backlash against feminism. Rassegna Italiana Di Sociologia,4

Ferreira E., et al. 2021. Digital practices, young people, and gender. First Monday

Gauntlett D. 2007. Creative Explorations: New Approaches to Identities and Audiences.Routledge

Gui M., et al. 2017 “Digital well-being”. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(1)

Hennink MM, et al. 2017. Code saturation versus meaning saturation: how many interviews are enough? Qualitative Health Research,27

Holmes D.R., Marcus G. E. 2012. Collaborative imperatives. In M.Konrad (Ed.), Collaborators Collaborating. Berghahn Books.

Idemudia E., Adeola O., et al. 2017. The Effects of Gender On The Adoption of Social Media. AMCIS

Livingstone S., Mason J. 2015. Sexual rights and sexual risks among youth online. Retrieved from:

Lupton D. 2018. Towards design sociology. Sociology Compass, 12(1)

Lupton D. 2019. Australian women’s use of health and fitness apps and wearable devices: a feminist new materialism analysis. Feminist Media Studies

Marshall K., et al. 2020. Male bodybuilders on Instagram: negotiating inclusive masculinities through hegemonic masculine bodies. Journal of Gender Studies, 29(5)

Mascheroni G., Ólafsson K. 2018. Accesso, usi, rischi e opportunità di internet per i ragazzi italiani.OssCom

McVeigh-Schultz J., Baym N.K. 2015. Thinking of You: Vernacular Affordance in the Context of the Microsocial Relationship App, Couple. Social Media+Society, 1(2)

Metcalfe S., Llewellyn A. 2020. “It’s just the thing you do”: Physical and digital fields, and

the flow of capital for young people’s gendered identity negotiation. Journal or Adolescent

Research, 35(1)

Nadim M., Fladmoe A. 2021. Silencing women? Gender and online harassment. Social Science Computer Review, 39(2)

Nagy P.,  Neff G. 2015. Imagined Affordance: Reconstructing a Keyword for Communication Theory. Social Media+Society, 1(2)

Pew Research Center. 2021. The State of Online Harassment.

Ringrose J., Harvey, et al. 2013. Teen girls, sexual double standards and “sexting”. Feminist Theory, 14

Scarcelli C.M. 2015. Intimità digitali. Adolescenti, amore e sessualità ai tempi di internet. FrancoAngeli

Scarcelli C. M. 2020. Teenage perspectives on sexting and pleasure in Italy. In L. Tsaliki, D. Chronaki, Discourses of Anxiety over Childhood and Youth across Cultures. Palgrave

Schwartz B., Neff G. 2019. The gendered affordances of Craigslist “new-in-town girls

wanted” ads. New media&Society, 21(11-12)

Simonsen J., Robertson T. 2013. Routledge International Handbook of Participatory

Design. Routledge

Spawforth-Jones S. 2021. Utilising mood boards as an image elicitation tool in qualitative

research. Sociological Research Online, 26(4)

Stappers P.J, Giaccardi E. 2014. Research through Design. The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction

Tiidenberg K., Van Der Nagel E. (2020). Sex and social media. Emerald.

Tortajada I., et al. 2021. Lost in transition? Digital trans activism on Youtube. Information, Communication&Society, 24(8)

van Oosten J.M., et al. 2017. Gender roles on social networking sites. Journal of Children&Media, 11(2)

Van Zoonen L. 2002, Gendering the Internet. European Journal of Communication, 17

Wajcman J. 1991. Feminism Confronts Technology. Polity

Willett R. 2008. Consumer citizens online: structure, agency, and gender in online

participation. In D. Buckingham, Youth, identity, and digital media. MIT Press